What is Pure Desire Ministries?

Through confidential small groups, Pure Desire Ministries provides men and women the opportunity to take back their lives from unwanted sexual behavior and betrayal trauma.
Here at Calvary we offer a Pure Desire group for men and a Betrayal & Beyond group for women.

Pure Desire for Men

Pure Desire is a small group that helps men work through sexual addiction. This group equips men to walk in repentance, live in purity and experience freedom from addiction. If you are interested in joining Pure Desire or have specific questions about the group you may contact Doug by phone (307-635-2977) or email (doug@cheyenne.church). He would love to visit with you personally.

Pure Desire Testimonies

More Resources

Check out Doug's personal Pure Desire testimony.
View our worship service where Pastor Aaron taught on "Sin & Forgiveness: John 8:1-11" (Go to minute 26:12 to watch the teaching only)