A Safe Place for Women
Betrayal & Beyond is a small group that provides women a place to process the pain and reality of their husband's struggle with sexual addiction. In this group, women learn to process their pain access their trauma, establish healthy boundaries, explore the depth of forgiveness, and create a plan of restoration and healing. Due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter, the group is confidential. Groups meet weekly and last approximately ten months.
If you are interested in joining Betrayal & Beyond, just want to learn more about the group, or have questions about how you can begin taking steps toward healing, please contact Gail Hurd by phone (970-310-0316) or email (hurdofgoats@gmail.com). She looks forward to visiting with you personally.
If you are interested in joining Betrayal & Beyond, just want to learn more about the group, or have questions about how you can begin taking steps toward healing, please contact Gail Hurd by phone (970-310-0316) or email (hurdofgoats@gmail.com). She looks forward to visiting with you personally.
Struggling with sin and forgiveness? the Bible can bring you great comfort, instruction, and hope. View a teaching by Pastor Aaron out of the book of John.
(Go to minute 26:12 to watch the teaching only).
(Go to minute 26:12 to watch the teaching only).